Research & Publications

My research addresses questions at the intersection of three domains of organizational scholarship: (1) Individual Learning, Development, and Growth at Work, (2) Workplace Interactions and Interpersonal Dynamics, and (3) Leading Highly Reliable Health Care Organizations.

Specifically, my research seeks to uncover and test the mechanisms by which individuals learn and develop from their own and others’ experiences in knowledge-intensive work environments such as health care. To do so, I leverage a range of quantitative and qualitative methods and data sources – including field surveys and interventions, qualitative interviews and observational methods, archival data, experiments, and social network methods – and draw from multiple literatures and levels of analysis to examine these interpersonal learning interactions.
Foundational to my research is connecting ideas from different disciplines or traditions. I believe the most interesting organizational problems – and their solutions – are interdisciplinary in nature, so I seek out areas of connection between different streams of research, aiming to offer more nuanced and robust understanding of interpersonal learning processes in health care and other knowledge work.


Articles and other materials are posted here to facilitate the sharing of academic work for personal, non-commercial use only. All rights remain with their respective copyright holders.

Academic Journal Articles

Supporting Robust Teamwork - Bridging Technology and Organizational Science

Anna T. Mayo, Christopher G. Myers, J. Bucuvalas, Sandy Feng, Courtney E Juliano

New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 388(22), 2023 Jun, pp. 2019-2021

High Reliability Organising in Healthcare: Still a Long Way Left to Go

Christopher G. Myers, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe

BMJ Quality & Safety, vol. 31(12), 2022 Dec, pp. 845-848

The Growing Role of Chief Medical Officers in Major Corporations.

Christopher G. Myers, Daniel Polsky, Sanjay Desai

JAMA Health Forum, vol. 3(7), 2022 Jul, pp. e222194

Storytelling as a Tool for Vicarious Learning among Air Medical Transport Crews

Christopher G. Myers

Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 67(2), 2022 Jun, pp. 378-422

Against the Odds: Developing Underdog versus Favorite Narratives to Offset Prior Experiences of Discrimination

Samir Nurmohamed, Timothy G Kundro, Christopher G. Myers

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol. 167, 2021 Nov, pp. 206-221

The Conceptual and Empirical Value of a Positive Lens: An Invitation to Organizational Scholars to Develop Novel Research Questions

Gretchen Spreitzer, Christopher G. Myers, Shirli Kopelman, David M. Mayer

Academy of Management Perspectives, vol. 35(3), 2021 Aug, pp. 517-534

Organizational Science and Health Care

Anna T. Mayo, Christopher G. Myers, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe

Academy of Management Annals, vol. 15(2), 2021 Jul, pp. 537-576

Prioritising Surgical Cases Deferred by the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Ethics-inspired Algorithmic Framework for Health Leaders

Amit Jain, Tinglong Dai, Christopher G. Myers, Punya Jain, Shruti Aggarwal

BMJ Leader, vol. 5(2), 2021 Jun, pp. 124-126

Performance Benefits of Reciprocal Vicarious Learning in Teams

Christopher G. Myers

Academy of Management Journal, vol. 64(3), 2021 Jun, pp. 926-947

What a Pandemic Reveals About Learning in Health Care Organizations

Christopher G. Myers, Michael A. Rosen, Christina T. Yuan

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, vol. 14(1-2), 2021 Jun, pp. 126-129

Covid-19 has Made Clear Why All Physicians Need to Know About the Business of Healthcare

Christopher G. Myers, Anna T. Mayo, Allen Kachalia, Daniel Polsky, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe

Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, vol. 26(2), 2021 Apr, pp. 51-55

How Did You Do That? Exploring the Motivation to Learn from Others’ Exceptional Success

Ryan W. Quinn, Christopher G. Myers, Shirli Kopelman, Stefanie Simmons

Academy of Management Discoveries, vol. 7(1), 2021 Mar, pp. 15-39

Working Toward the Triple Bottom Line in Surgery

Emily Johnson, Gifty Kwakye, Christopher G. Myers, Amir A. Ghaferi

NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery, 2021 Jan

Vicarious Learning in the Time of Coronavirus

Christopher G. Myers

Behavioral Science & Policy, vol. 6(2), 2020 Oct, pp. 153-161

Gender Bias in Collaborative Medical Decision Making: Emergent Evidence

Erik G. Helzer, Christopher G. Myers, Christine Fahim, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, James H. Abernathy

Academic Medicine, vol. 95(10), 2020 Oct, pp. 1524-1528

Resilience in Action: Leading for Resilience in Response to COVID-19

Michelle A. Barton, Marlys K. Christianson, Christopher G. Myers, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe

BMJ Leader, vol. 4(3), 2020 Sep, pp. 117-119

The genealogy of teaching clinical reasoning and diagnostic skill: the GEL Study

Stephen W. Russell, Sanjay V. Desai, Paul O'Rourke, Neera Ahuja, Anand Patel, Christopher G. Myers, Donna M. Zulman, Heather F. Sateia, Gail V. Berkenblit, Erica N. Johnson, Brian T. Garibaldi

Diagnosis, vol. 7(3), 2020 Aug, pp. 197-203

Treating the "Not-Invented-Here Syndrome" in Medical Leadership: Learning From the Insights of Outside Disciplines.

Christopher G. Myers, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, Bernard T. Ferrari

Academic Medicine, vol. 94(10), 2019 Oct, pp. 1416-1418

Association Between Team Learning Behavior and Reduced Burnout Among Medicine Residents

Christopher G. Myers, Heather F. Sateia, Sanjay V. Desai

Journal of General Internal Medicine, vol. 33(12), 2018 Dec, pp. 2037-2039

Excising the “Surgeon Ego” to Accelerate Progress in the Culture of Surgery

Christopher G. Myers, Yemeng Lu-Myers, Amir A. Ghaferi

BMJ, vol. 363, 2018 Nov, pp. k4537

Coactive Vicarious Learning: Toward a Relational Theory of Vicarious Learning in Organizations

Christopher G. Myers

Academy of Management Review, vol. 43(4), 2018 Oct, pp. 610-634

Social Media as a Platform for Surgical Learning: Use and Engagement Patterns Among Robotic Surgeons

Christopher G. Myers, Omar Y. Kudsi, Amir A. Ghaferi

Annals of Surgery, vol. 267(2), 2018 Feb, pp. 233-235

Incorporating Interpersonal Skills into Otolaryngology Resident Selection and Training

Yemeng Lu-Myers, Christopher G. Myers

Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, vol. 158(1), 2018 Jan, pp. 21-23

Making Management Skills a Core Component of Medical Education.

Christopher G. Myers, Peter J. Pronovost

Academic Medicine, vol. 92(5), 2017 May, pp. 582-584

Cooperation in Multicultural Negotiations: How the Cultures of People with Low and High Power Interact

Shirli Kopelman, Ashley E. Hardin, Christopher G. Myers, Leigh P. Tost

Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 101(5), 2016 May, pp. 721-730

Where in the World Are the Workers? Cultural Underrepresentation in I-O Research

Christopher G. Myers

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, vol. 9(1), 2016 Mar, pp. 144-152

The Relational Nature of Leadership Identity Construction: How and When It Influences Perceived Leadership and Decision-Making

Lisa A. Marchiondo, Christopher G. Myers, Shirli Kopelman

Leadership Quarterly, vol. 26(5), 2015 Oct, pp. 892-908

Learning Agility: In Search of Conceptual Clarity and Theoretical Grounding

D. Scott DeRue, Susan J. Ashford, Christopher G. Myers

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, vol. 5(3), 2012 Sep, pp. 258-279

Learning Agility: Many Questions, a Few Answers, and a Path Forward

D. Scott DeRue, Susan J. Ashford, Christopher G. Myers

Industrial and Organizational Psychology, vol. 5(3), 2012 Sep, pp. 316-322

The Hierarchical Face: Higher Rankings Lead to Less Cooperative Looks

Patricia Chen, Christopher G. Myers, Shirli Kopelman, Stephen M. Garcia

Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 97(2), 2012 Mar, pp. 479-486

Academic Journal Correspondence

Safety of Health Care in the Inpatient Setting

Christopher G. Myers, Keith E. Mandel, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe

New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 388(16), 2023 Apr, pp. 1535-1536

Comment on Kunzler et al. (2022) 'Interventions to foster resilience in nursing staff: A systematic review and meta-analyses of pre-pandemic evidence'.

Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, Anna T. Mayo, Christopher G. Myers, Michelle A. Barton, Sarah L. Szanton

International Journal of Nursing Studies, vol. 138, 2023 Feb, p. 104393

Responding to the “Surgeon Ego”: Progress Made and Paths Forward

Christopher G. Myers, Yemeng Lu-Myers, Amir A. Ghaferi

BMJ, 2018 Dec

In Reply to Khoo and Teo

Christopher G. Myers, Peter J. Pronovost

Academic Medicine, vol. 93(4), 2018 Apr, p. 517

Chapters in Edited Volumes

Agency in Vicarious Learning at Work

Christopher G. Myers, D. Scott DeRue

SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series, Jill E. Ellington, Raymond A. Noe, Autonomous Learning in the Workplace, chapter 2, Routledge, New York, 2017, pp. 15-37

Leadership Development: A Review and Agenda for Future Research

D. Scott DeRue, Christopher G. Myers

David V. Day, The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations, chapter 37, Oxford University Press, New York, 2014, pp. 832-855

Popular Press Articles

Let's Realign the Surgeon-Hospital Relationship

Amit Jain, Christopher G. Myers, Alpesh Patel

MedPage Today, 2022 Mar 5

A 100% COVID Vaccination Rate Is Possible -- We Did It

Ravi Mittal, Surbhi Jain, Christopher G Myers, Tinglong Dai, Amit Jain

MedPage Today, 2021 Oct 22

Covid-19 Created an Elective Surgery Backlog. How Can Hospitals Get Back on Track?

Amit Jain, Tinglong Dai, Kristin Bibee, Christopher G. Myers

Harvard Business Review, 2020 Aug

To Cope with Stress, Try Learning Something New

Chen Zhang, Christopher G. Myers, David M. Mayer

Harvard Business Review, 2018 Sep

How Discrimination Against Female Doctors Hurts Patients

Christopher G. Myers, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe

Harvard Business Review, 2018 Aug

When Health Care Providers Look at Problems from Multiple Perspectives, Patients Benefit

Jemima A. Frimpong, Christopher G. Myers, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, Yemeng Lu-Myers

Harvard Business Review, 2017 Jun

How Prepared Are You to Lead?

Peter J. Pronovost, Christopher G. Myers

AM Rounds, 2017 Jun 13

The Next Wave of Hospital Innovation to Make Patients Safer

Amir A. Ghaferi, Christopher G. Myers, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, Peter J. Pronovost

Harvard Business Review, 2016 Aug

Why Companies Are Becoming B Corporations

Suntae Kim, Matthew J. Karlesky, Christopher G. Myers, Todd Schifeling

Harvard Business Review, 2016 Jun

Finding the Positives in Your Failures

Christopher G. Myers

Inc., 2014

Technical Reports

Well-being at Work: Fostering a Healthy Work Climate for All

Richard Smith, Michelle Barton, Christopher G Myers, Marcus Erb

Johns Hopkins Human Capital Development Lab / Great Place to Work , 2024

Developmental Readiness and Mindful Engagement in the Singapore Public Service

D Scott Derue, Christopher G Myers

Centre for Leadership Development, Civil Service College, Singapore, 2013

Conceptions of Leadership and Development in the Singapore Public Service: A Qualitative Exploration of Developmental Readiness

Christopher G Myers, D Scott DeRue

Centre for Leadership Development, Civil Service College, Singapore, 2012

Teaching Materials

Dr. Jamie Thompson: Diagnosing an Organizational Issue

Christopher G. Myers, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe, Yemeng Lu-Myers


Transferring Knowledge Between Projects at NASA JPL

Dorothy A. Leonard, Christopher G. Myers